Rubber Coatings
Why Choose a Rubber Coating
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Rubber coatings eliminate the need for frequent cleaning without the use of harmful chemicals making this coating a greener option. This long-term coating is attractive and affordable whether installed in a home or business and allows for you to feel more environmentally friendly. One of the best parts of this flooring that helps the environment is if and when you decide to remove this coating it is completely recyclable!

Beauty and Durability
Just because a coating is made to last doesn’t mean it has to look like it! Rubber coatings offer many different styles and designs without sacrificing any durability. This coating can support heavy weights, spills, and abrasions with ease.

Anywhere that has high foot traffic is subject to accidents no matter how careful you are. This coating can help reduce the risk of accidents happening because of the natural traction that rubber coatings have to offer. Rubber coatings are water resistant making slips less likely and preventing water damage as well. While these coatings can help prevent accidents when they do occur this coating can reduce the impact thus reducing injury.

Easy Maintenance
Rubber coatings are incredibly easy to maintain because they are resistant to virtually anything the environment has to throw at them. These floors rarely need a chemical cleaning so a simple damp mop can be used for cleaning. If you want to try a specific cleaner on your rubber coating be sure to ask a professional for their opinion because some chemicals are safe but others can cause damage.

Sound Absorbant
Many gyms, play places, and other loud areas use this flooring because of the sound absorption it has to offer. When you have children playing or the clanking of weights it is important to have a coating that can absorb that sound so you can focus.

Water Resistance
While rubber coatings are resistant to most things, water resistance is one of the most important elements to protect against. Not only does this protection help against damage from water spills but it can also prevent the growth of mold and bacteria within and below the coating.
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Process of Installing Rubber Coatings
Applying a rubber coating has to be done quickly because of its consistency but also so that all areas can dry at the same time for an even flooring. Applying a rubber coating is best done by a professional to ensure it is done accurately for the best flooring possible. Below is a step-by-step process of how rubber coatings are applied.
Step 1: Clean the surface and tools that you will be used for applying the rubber coating and be sure to wear gloves for the process to keep your hands clean.
Step 2: Prepare the mixture to be applied.
Step 3: Dip the tool into the mixture quickly but evenly and only once. Dipping the tool more than once can increase the drying time.
Step 4: Apply the coating and allow it to dry. After it has dried check to ensure the application was done correctly and apply the desired coats allowing each to dry in between.

Maintaining Your Rubber Coating
Professional Tips for Rubber Flooring

Prevent Weight Indentions
period of time. You can use items like plexiglass sheets or flat castors to displace the weight to prevent these indentions.

Get to Know the Manufacturers Recommendations
To prevent accidental damage to your rubber coating it is important to understand the manufacturer’s recommendations on cleaning, maintaining, and what products are safe and recommended to use. Understanding these recommendations can ensure that you take care of your coatings the right way so they can last the maximum lifespan. Knowing these recommendations is important especially if your coating comes with a warranty to make sure that the warranty isn’t voided.

Keep Any Leftover Product
Over time you may experience wear, tear, or damage that will need to be repaired. Keeping any leftover product is important to help fix these blemishes so you are prepared to repair or replace any place in your flooring that needs it. Repairs or replacing areas of the flooring may not happen for years, but it is always good to be prepared in case your product or color is discontinued.

Monitor Temperature
Rubber floor coatings can expand and contract with temperature fluctuations which can cause increased wear and tear on the coating. To avoid this from happening and causing damage, try to keep the area the coating is located in between 65 and 85 degrees. While this coating does have a high tolerance for these temperature changes if it starts to affect the coating you’ll be able to notice. If the coating gets too hot or cold it can cause gapping or cause the edges to lift which can be a major safety hazard.

Clear Garage Flooring
This clear flooring offers protection to your existing flooring while showing its existing beauty. This option will show off your existing flooring while giving you the option for 3 different surface patterns.
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